Plussa-asiakkaana voit ylläpitää henkilökohtaisia tietojasi verkkosivuillamme Plussa-tililläsi tai ottamalla yhteyttä asiakaspalveluumme.
Information related to Plussa membership.
Thank you for using your Plussa card. At K-Plussa we ensure the safety of your data and your right to privacy. We are very careful with the handling of data we receive when you use your card. With the help of up-to-date data we can provide you with interesting benefits and suitable products and services at our stores.
As of May 25th, 2018, Kesko follows the EU data protection regulation. The purpose of the regulation is to improve EU citizens’ access to their own data and the confidential processing of their personal data.
To view details about your Plussa membership, log in to your Plussa account. In your account you edit your information, manage your Plussa money, and add or remove permissions for direct email marketing. You can find the login button in the website’s top header.
You can turn to our K-Plussa customer service when you wish to remove your data, or forbid or restrict the processing and use of your personal information.
The K-Plussa customer register data protection notice Linkki ohjaa sinut toiseen palveluun. describes how members’ personal data is used and the rights members have regarding their data.
To request a report of your personal data, log in with your internet banking credentials to Kesko’s data protection portal at Go to Kesko's data protection portal Linkki ohjaa sinut toiseen palveluun..
K-Plussa's rules and Data Protection Notice
From the link below, you can find out why K-Plussa's rules and Data Protection Notice have been updated.
Information about consumer dispute bodies
If a disagreement concerning a K-Plussa customer contract cannot be resolved through negotiations between the parties, the consumer can take the matter to be solved by Go to The Consumer Disputes Board's site Linkki ohjaa sinut toiseen palveluun..
Before taking the matter to be processed by The Consumer Disputes Board, the consumer must contact Go to Consumer Advisory Services' site Linkki ohjaa sinut toiseen palveluun..
When the disagreement concerns the processing of personal data, the customer may contact the Go to the site of the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman Linkki ohjaa sinut toiseen palveluun..