K-Plussa is the most varied and extensive loyalty program in Finland. The more you use your Plussa card, the more you save and enjoy personal offers and service.

Download the K-Ruoka application
In the K-Ruoka application, you can find your personal OmaPlussa benefits and an activated mobile benefit, where the discount is up to -40%. You can find the application in your application store with the search term K-Ruoka.
Read how to get OmaPlussa benefits to your use.
Shareholder’s K-Plussa
Shareholder’s K-Plussa is for Plussa customers who own shares in Kesko Corporation. By joining Shareholder’s K-Plussa, you will receive valuable personal benefits and services offered to K Group’s ‘Best Customers’ in Finland.
Read more about Shareholder’s K-PlussaCurrent offers and benefits
Collect Plussa points from your purchases