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Plussa-jäsenenä saat ostoistasi Plussa-pisteen jokaista käyttämääsi euroa kohden. Kuukauden lopuksi kaikki pisteesi lasketaan yhteen ja muutetaan Plussa-rahaksi. Edellisen kuukauden Plussa-rahasi maksetaan seuraavan kuukauden 4.-8. päivä ja voit käyttää sitä kaupan maksupäätteellä. Plussa-raha on voimassa 13 kk maksupäivästä.

Tällä sivulla

Save with Plussa money

You can use your Plussa money as a discount on the final sum of your purchases in nearly all K-group stores. Plussa money can be used by all members of the household to whom the main member has allowed the right to use. The main member can allow the use of Plussa money or remove the right of use from members of the household by logging into the Plussa service from the Log in section.

You can earn Plussa money on a monthly basis and it’s always valid for 13 months. You can check how much Plussa money you have and the last days to use it by logging in to your Plussa account.

How to use Plussa money when you shop

You’ll see the Plussa money credited to your account at the payment terminal in stores. Here’s how to pay for your purchases:

  • Swipe your Plussa card by the terminal and you’ll see how much Plussa money is available.
  • When the terminal asks if you want to use your Plussa money, respond by pressing YES or NO:
    • KYLLÄ (YES) = I want to use Plussa money to reduce the final sum of this purchase
    • EI (NO) = I will not use the Plussa money now, I will save it for later
      • Pay the remaining amount using your preferred means of payment.

If you still have Plussa money left over after payment, it will remain in your account for future use.

Manage who can use Plussa money

The household’s primary cardholder manages secondary cardholders’ access to view and use the household’s Plussa money. If a secondary cardholder does not have access, they cannot see the Plussa account balance or use Plussa money in stores.

The primary cardholder can manage others’ access rights in their Plussa account or by contacting K-Plussa customer service.

Monitor your Plussa purchases

You have several options to monitor and manage your Plussa purchases and accrued Plussa money:

Plussa account

  • Log in with your K-Tunnus. If you don't have a K-Tunnus yet, we will create one for you upon your first login.
  • Follow your monthly Plussa purchases and accrued points and money in the Plussa view.
  • Order free secondary Plussa cards for everyone in your household.
  • Give secondary members access to your household’s Plussa money.
  • Sign up for the Plussa newsletter, which brings the best offers direct to your inbox.

Plussa statement

  • You’ll receive a monthly Plussa account statement to the email address provided in your contact information.
  • On the statement you’ll see your accrued Plussa money and Plussa savings in euros from the previous month and a summary of the past 12 months.

In-store payment terminal

  • You’ll see your Plussa account balance by swiping your Plussa card by an in-store payment terminal.
  • The primary cardholder and anyone else in the household with access can see the Plussa account balance.

K-Food app

More info and download instructions on K-ruoka.fi Linkki ohjaa sinut toiseen palveluun. (available in Finnish) and connect it with your Plussa card to see your Plussa account balance.

What happens to the Plussa money of a deceased member?

If a Plussa member dies having accrued Plussa points that have not yet been converted into Plussa money, such Plussa points will become null and void and no compensation will be paid on them.

If the deceased person was a member of a Plussa household, Plussa points accrued by the household from purchases made by the deceased member will remain with the Plussa household.

If the deceased member was the primary member of a Plussa household, the oldest household member who is not a minor will become the new primary member. If the deceased member is only survived by Plussa members who are minors, their membership and their right to use Plussa money and Plussa points will end.