K-kauppiaat tukevat paikallista seuratoimintaa – liittymällä kannattajaksi kerrytät seurallesi sponsorointipottia.
How does sponsorship through K-Plus work?
The easiest way to support your own club is by shopping in your own K-store - you keep all your Plussa points and benefits, but in addition, the store supports your club based on your Plussa purchases.
How do I register as a supporter?
- If your local K-Retailer and a club have told you about sponsorship cooperation, you can join as a supporter by logging in to your Plussa account on plussa.fi webpage
- To join, you need a code that you can get from your club or K-Retailer
- By becoming a supporter, all Plussa members in your Plussa household become supporters - the purchases of your parallel cardholders also accumulate a sponsorship sum for the club.
About supporting a club:
Supporting does not reduce your household's Plussa points or benefits. You only accumulate more good for your club with your purchases.
It is enough for one family member to register for sponsorship. After this purchases entitled for Plussa points that made with all Plussa cards in the Plussa household are taken into account when calculating the sponsorhip sum for the club.
One household can join to support up to 5 different sponsorhip targets.
Supporting households can maintain their own information and sponsorship destinations by logging in to Plussa account in plussa.fi page.
Seuran edustaja - kiinnostuitko?
Paikalliset sponsorointipäätökset tehdään jokaisessa kaupassa kauppiaan toimesta. Jos kiinnostuit sponsoroinnin mahdollisuuksista, kannustamme seuran edustajia olemaan itsenäisesti yhteydessä kauppoihin, joissa seuranne jäsenten olisi kätevä asioida.
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Intersport-kauppojen yhteystiedot Intersportin nettisivuilla. Linkki ohjaa sinut toiseen palveluun.